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Data:Copies of Instructions Addressed to Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N., in reference to the Arctic Expedition of 1845

Z Beta: Franklinova expedice

URL: https://books.google.cz/books?id=iIcSAAAAYAAJ&hl=cs&pg=RA6-PA3#v=onepage&q&f=false

Title / Název: Copies of Instructions Addressed to Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N., in reference to the Arctic Expedition of 1845

Zdroj (encyklopedie, blog, časopis...), pokud dává smysl: Google Books

Popis (CS): Naskenovaný text Instrukcí.

Description (EN): Scanned text of the Instructions.

Language / Jazyk: en

Category: document

Page: Instrukce britské Admirality Johnu Franklinovi pro jeho výpravu

Last revision: 2022-07-07