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Data:70 North Beset

Z Beta: Franklinova expedice

URL: https://70northbeset.wordpress.com/

Title / Název: 70 North Beset

Autoři / Authors (wikilink or not), pokud dává smysl: S. L. Shreve

Popis (CS): Autor je spisovatel na volné noze, badatel a archivář a tento blog je prostor, kde spekuluje, teoretizuje a píše o osudu Franklina a jeho posádek, kde spekuluje, teoretizuje a píše o osudu Franklina a jeho posádek.

Description (EN): Author is a freelance writer, researcher, and archivist and this blog is his outlet for speculating, theorizing, and writing about the fate of Franklin and his crews for speculating, theorizing, and writing about the fate of Franklin and his crews.

Language / Jazyk: en

Category: blog

Last revision: 2022-10-15