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Page values for "The “Boat Place” Burial: New Skeletal Evidence from the 1845 Franklin Expedition"

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FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
titleTextThe “Boat Place” Burial: New Skeletal Evidence from the 1845 Franklin Expedition
authorsList of String, delimiter: ,Douglas R. Stenton Anne Keenleyside Robert W. Park
sourceStringArctic, Vol. 68, No. 1 (March 2015), pp. 32–44
description_csTextVýsledky vykopávek na místě, kde poručík Hobson našel v roce 1859 člun Franklinovy expedice.
description_enTextResults of excavations at the site where Lieutenant Hobson found the Franklin Expedition boat in 1859.
langList of Text, delimiter: cs · en · de · fr · es · sk · pl · ruen
categoryList of Text, delimiter: ,journal article
pageList of Page, delimiter: #Pátrání po Franklinově expedici, Informační zdroje, eng:Main Page