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Page values for "DNA identification of a sailor from the 1845 Franklin northwest passage expedition (cambridge.org)"

"Links" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
titleTextDNA identification of a sailor from the 1845 Franklin northwest passage expedition
authorsList of String, delimiter: ,Douglas R. Stenton Stephen Fratpietro Anne Keenleyside Robert W. Park
sourceStringPolar Record 57, 2021
description_csTextPlacený přístup k textu článku, v němž byla identifikace Johna Gregoryho oznámena.
description_enTextPaid access to the article announcing John Gregory identification.
langList of Text, delimiter: cs · en · de · fr · es · sk · pl · ruen
categoryList of Text, delimiter: ,journal article
pageList of Page, delimiter: #John Gregory