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Page values for "Anonymous (Officer of the Expedition), 11/Jul/1845 (arctonauts.com)"

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FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
titleTextAnonymous (Officer of the Expedition), 11/Jul/1845
authorsList of String, delimiter: ,
description_csTextDopis zatím neidentifikovaného důstojníka Franklinovy expedice z Whale Fish Islands v Grónsku, datovaný 11. července 1845 krátce před odplutím zásobovací lodi zpět do Anglie. Zveřejněn v The Greenock Advertiser, 15. srpna 1845.
description_enTextThis letter is dated 11/Jul/1845 at Whale Fish Islands in Greenland, shortly before the Baretto Junior transport had to sail back to England. The author is one of the principal officers of the expedition, though he has not yet been identified for sure. The letter was taken from The Greenock Advertiser, 15/Aug/1845.
langList of Text, delimiter: cs · en · de · fr · es · sk · pl · ruen
categoryList of Text, delimiter: ,document
pageList of Page, delimiter: #Plavba z Anglie do Disko Bay